El retorn de les ànimes (2015)
The return of the souls
Type: Micro Short film, documentary
Duration: 1'
Format: HD, Color
Aspect: 16/9
Fps: 25
Audio: Estereo
Language title: Catalan
Subtitle title: English
Direction: Julio Suárez
Production: LGC Films
Production management: Lola López
Direction of Photography: Julio Suárez
Sound: Julio Suárez
Original music: Konstantin Trokay
"Composition" Under Creative Commons license
Best Documentary
100 Second International Film Festival - Tehran (2016)
Best Super Short
Big mini Media Festival - Long Island University - Brooklyn (2015)
4th Prize Micro Experimental
Indie Gathering International Films Festival - Cleveland (2015)
Public award - Best Micro Short
Festigious Festival - Los Angeles (2015)
Honorable mention
Just a minute Film Festival - Massachusetts (2015)
Official Selections:
Cardiff Mini Film Festival - United Kingdom (2017)
Short Form - International Short Film Festival - Russia (2017)
Cordoba International Film Festival - Colombia (2017)
Versi di Luce - Festival of Cinema and Poetry - Italy (2017)
Transilvania Shorts - Inter. Short Film Festival - Romania (2017)
World Cup of the Filmminute (2016)
FilmOneFest - Atlantic Highlands - New Jersey - (2016)
Mini Doc Contest of the Carmen Arnau Muro Foundation - Toledo (2015)
II Cineminutos International Festival - Córoba - Argentina (2015)
Festival Enmut - Barcelona (2015)
Cine Fort Festival - San Giorgio la Molara - Italy (2015)
Rural Film Fest - Fuencaliente - Spain (2015)
The return of the souls is a micro-short documentary and experimental micro about the relationship of nature with our souls. An ode that offers the wis of the nature and that human beings do not pay the attention it deserves.

2023 LGC Films