Lolo Rico: the non-invented look (2015)
Type: Documentary, feature
Duration: 61 min.
Format: HD, Color
Aspect: 16/9
Fps: 25
Audio: Stereo
Language: Spanish
Direction: Julio Suárez
Production: La Guerrilla Comunicacional - LGC Films
Cast: Lolo Rico - Javier Gurruchaga - Paco Quintanar
Carlos Fernández Liria y Matilde Fernández Jarrín
Screenplay: Julio Suárez - Lolo Rico
Cinematographers: Héctor Álvarez - Heidi Sánchez
Editing: Ainhoa Ramos - Alfredo Almendros
Music: Paco Viciana
Sound: Enrique Calvo
Executive producer: Lola López
Color: Víctor Herrero
Electrics: Luis Abad - Raúl Capín - Víctor Herrero
Direct sound: Enrique Calvo - Rodrigo Moreda
Illustrations: Miguel Osuna "El Bute"
Animation:Roger Crunch
Journalist: José Manzaneda
Assistant production: Marcos Caurel
Script: Inés Domínguez
Legal advice: Alma Martínez
Sketches to Electroduendes: Miguel Fernández-Pacheco
With colaboration to: Javier Couso
Song "Con la libertad": Rafael Amor
Interpreted by: Rojo Cancionero
With the participation of childrens:
Eneritz Haro Alba
Aitor Haro Alba
Hisham Lukas Garate Zabala
June Garate Zabala
Best Documentary
·Festival Internacional de Cine de Sant Andreu de la Barca
Premios Oriana(2016)
Official Selections:
·CLAM Festival Internacional de Cinema Solidari - Navarcles (2016)
·38ª Semana Internacional de Cine de Autor de Lugo (2016)
·8ª edición del Picknic Film Festival de Santander (2016)
·Docufórum del Festival Internacional de Cine Bajo la Luna(2016)
·Festival Internacional de Cine de La Rioja - Logroño (2016)
·Zoom Festival, 14Th Edition International Fiction Tv (2016)
·8º Festival Internacional Espacio Enter Canarias(2016)
Lolo Rico is considered one of the best directors of children's programs. He made excellent radio and television programs, among which "La bola de cristal" stands out. Lolo always understood that in television a balance can be reached between the interesting, the formative and the entertaining, making children learn by having fun through a critical look at the economic, political and hierarchical system in an incessant search for freedom.

Official trailer
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2023 LGC Films