Leo to life (2017)
Type: Feature documentary
Duration: 70 min.
Format: DCP, 2K Color
Aspect: 1,90
Fps: 25
Audio: Estereo
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Direction: Julio Suárez
Production: LGC Films - La Guerrilla Comunicacional
Cast: Leonela Relys
Screenplay: Julio Suárez - Sebas Parra
Cinematographer: Aniol Pla-Giribert Agüero
Director assistant: Mireia Pozo
Editing: Xavier Pérez
Sound mixer: Alejandro Castillo
Original soundtrack: Paco Viciana
Production management: Lola López
Camera assistant: Pau Requesens
Sound manager: Alejandro Castillo
Microphone assistant: Sergi noguer, Anna Rajadell
Electrik: Oriol fuster
Stills photographer: Carlos Calvo
Translations: Càrol Aguilera
Audiovisual resources: Pep Caballé, Joan Colomer
·Best documentary
·Oriana's Awards - Sant Andreu de la Barca International Film Festival (2018)
·Best documentary Gold Award
·World Woman Awards (2018)
Official Selections:
·39º Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana (2017)
·27º Festival de cine de Madrid - PNR (2018)
·40ª Semana Internacional de Cine de Autor de Lugo (2018)
·Festival de Cine y Televisión Reino de León (2018)
·Bannabáfest Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos de Panamá (2018)
·CinePort International Film Festival (2018)
·Indian World Film Festival (2018)
·Women Voice's Now Film Festival (2018)
·Navarra International Film Festival (2019)
·10º Festival Internacional de cine político (2021)
A group of people are attending the screening of an interview with Leonela Relys, a humble pedagogue who created a simple literacy method, Yes, I can, with this method, more than 20 million people have been literate in a bit more than one decade. A didactic and innovative method awarded by UNESCO and which has represented a new hope in the struggle for a literate and cultured world.
Leonela words, along with the participation of other characters, are the common thread of this document that goes deep into the problem of illiteracy. Testimony to testimony we are discovering the germ of all the inequalities, discriminations and injustices that hit the world. Because illiteracy is not only that you cannot read or write, it is not only a problema of the Third World: illiteracy, in any of its variants versions, goes with each person, each community, and if we are unable to identify and eradicate it we will contribute to the perpetuation of poverty and exclusion of an important part of the world society.
Leo to life is more than a documentary, it is a guide that questions us and invites us to analyze how free we are of illiteracy, especially political illiteracy. In the journey of life, it is like holding a humble oil lamp in the middle of the the deepest darkness.
